Bighorn Rutting Season Videos

Bighorn Sheep Rut Season

Awesome Bighorn Boss Comes Down from Altitude »

Nicest Bighorn Boss Ram We Have Ever Seen »

Huge Ram Rut Head Butts Best Point of View »

Bighorn Sheep Mountain Cliff Skills »

Bighorn Boss and Crew Lakeside for Some Care »

Bighorn Boss Weathered Winter Very Well »

Largest Bighorn Bosses in Close Quarters to Court Ewes During the Rut »

Bighorn Sheep are Naturals on Mountain Edges »

Young Bighorn Rams Being Bosses During the Sheep Rut »

Young Ram Comes in Hot towards Rival During the Rut »

Huge Ram Bosses and Ewes River and Mountainside Early in the Rut »

Largest Bighorn Boss and Rival Butt Heads over Courting During the Rut »

Bighorn Rams Focus on Their Moment When the Boss is Away During the Rut »

Largest Bighorn Ram Competes to Pursue Ewe During the Rut »

Bighorn Bosses are Not Afraid of 2 on 1 During Sheep Rut Season Battles »

Largest Bighorn Boss Courts Ewe During the Rut »

Bighorn Sheep Rams Get Energized as Rut Season Chemistry Changes »

Huge Bighorn Rams Start Battling as the Sheep Rut Begins »

Bighorn Rams Poached in Canada's Rockies »

Bighorn Ram Bosses Start getting Heated for the Rut as the Snow Flies »

The Bighorn Sheep Rut 2022 »

Bighorn Sheep Ram Bosses Start Battling During the Rut »

Bighorn Sheep Rut Courting »

Epic Heavyweight Bighorn Bosses Battle »

Bighorn Heavyweight Rams Growl and Grapple with Lots of Vocalizing »

Bighorn Sheep Quickly Calculate Mountain Climbing Routes »

Big Rams Still Working Out Who the Boss is! »

Alberta Rockies Bighorn Rams Entering the Rut »

Awesome Bighorn Ram Bosses »

Bighorn Bash »

Bighorn Boss Enforcing His Status During the Sheep Rut »

Bighorn Bosses Come Down to Mingle »

Bighorn Bosses Get to Relax Now »

Bighorn Bosses Pass by Us on a Common Trail »

Bighorn Headbutting Battle in Canada's Rockies »

Bighorn Mating Season Begins in Alberta's Rockies »

Bighorn Rams Pursuing Ewes During the Rut »

Bighorn Rams Sensing Chemistry Changes in Ewes During the Rut »

Bighorn Ram Teenagers Host Their Own Version of the Rut »

Bighorn Rut Behavior with Some of the Largest Rams »

Bighorn Rut Cautious Mountainside Mating »

Bighorns After a Heavy Snowfall »

Bighorn Sheep are Absolute Units »

Bighorn Sheep Baby Descends Mountain Side in the Canadian Rockies »

Bighorn Sheep Boss Receives a Challenger During the Rutting Season »

Bighorn Sheep Designer Footwear for Mountainside Climbing »

Bighorn Sheep Ewes with Newborn Lambs »

Bighorn Sheep Just the Hits »

Bighorn Sheep Lambs »

Bighorn Sheep Ram Aggression Rising for the Rut »

Bighorn Sheep Ramping Up for the Rut »

Bighorn Sheep Rut Canada's Angry Ram Mating Dance »

Bighorn Sheep Rut The Mating Chase »

Bighorn Sheep Slow Motion Strikes with Audio »

Bighorn Sheep Struttin' into the Rut »

Big Rams Appear for Bighorn Sheep Mating Season the Rut Begins »

Big Rams Fighting for Mates »

Big Rams Tolerate Each Other in the Beginning of Bighorn Mating Season »

Brazen Bighorn Fun Behavior »

Canadian Rockies Bighorn Ram Battle HD 2019 »

Canadian Rockies Roadside Ram Rumble HD »

Challenger Moves in on Bighorn Boss During the Rut »

Cute Newborn Baby Bighorn Sheep »

Epic Canadian Rockies Ram Battle for Mating Rights »

Heated Competition Starts The Bighorn Sheep Rut »

I have a Very Particular Set of Skills Young Bighorn »

Incredible Agility of Newborn Bighorns »

January Bighorn Sheep Ramming at Dusk in Canada's Rockies. »

Male Bighorn Sheep Climbing in Canadian Rockies »

Prime Rut 500lb Bighorns Winter Spring Weight Loss and Summer Gains »

RAM Tough Light Heavyweight Battle »

Rare White Bighorn Sheep Ram Lamb »

Rockies Rams During the Bighorn Sheep Rut »

Snow on Mountain edges Doesn't Slow Down the Bighorn Rut! »

The Bighorn Rut is Coming »

Young Bighorn Ram Trying to Isolate a Ewe During the Rut »

Young Elk Bull Ramping Up around Cows »

Bighorn Sheep Rut Season

When is the Bighorn Sheep Rut Season?

The Bighorn sheep rutting season or breeding season in Canada and the American Rockies is from October to January. During the bighorn rut, Rams fight for dominance by clashing heads in very physical battles. Each group of Bighorn Sheep will have a dominance order, with high ranking Rams(males) doing most of the breeding. Like Elk bulls after their rutting season, energy expended leaves bighorn rams in poor winter condition, resulting in a higher mortality rates among dominant rams.

During the bighorn rut, ram battles take place for the right to collect a harem of ewes(females). Bighorn Sheep Ram challenges can be a combination of show and bluff. When bluffing is matched, two rams will face each other, rearing up onto their hind legs, and smash their horns together with enourmous force. The battle sounds of these impacts are often compared to the reverberation of a high powered gunshot.

Dominant Bighorn Sheep Rams

Very large, dominant bighorn rams often have horns that make a full curl, continuing past they eye. It takes 7 or 8 years for Rams to reach this mature dominant stage and such animals are quite rare outside of protected areas.

Bighorn sheep ram horns can weigh up to 15 pounds on each side, meaning bighorn sheep males might have 30 pounds of horn on their head. Horns are rarely used for defense, but more for rutting season battles to establish breeding rights among the herd of ewes. Bighorn sheep ram fights are a wild animal experience not to be missed.

Bighorn Rut in Canada & America

Bighorn Rut Season in Nature..

View more Bighorn Sheep(Ovis canadensis) rutting season videos with Wildlife On Video.

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Bighorn Sheep Rut Season